Saturday, April 19, 2008

bed time!

Emma wears more than she eats

my neices eating some mush...

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Eddie Vedder

You have to watch this if you love Pearl Jam and ever had a hard time understanding the lyrics! This is so funny...Make me Fries...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

playing a bit of hookie...watching my fav film company FOCUS FEATURES seeing IN BRUGHES

My sales team who is fond of my beard honored me by adding to our new hip logo...they also made a road out of the dots and had them lead to my desk.

Revised reflections The me, that is me

Well my birthday is long since past and I'm creaping closer to 30. It feels like yesterday I was 19 ready to take on the world. I remember my dad telling me how fast time goes the older you get and being in high school I thought he must be kidding. Well like many other things I have to admit that he was right. They say that time flys when you are having fun and I must say, I'm not really having fun but never the less it speeds on by. This isn't a bitch session but a time to reflect on what really matters, I have a good job with a nice house and things to fill it. I have a great wife but still I'm missing something. I've spent the last few years striving and making decisions to make this so. I misplaced my passion and vigor for life and the pursuit of idealistic dreams. Its never to late but the quick-mud of life pulls you in little by little, committed to bills, too tired to work outside of a paying work. All that stuff. If I could suggest one thing to those even just a few years my junior I would say relax don't push so hard for the things that society says shows your successful. Travel, take that job you want but hardly pays the rent, do what you love doing, be idealistic even when those around you think its a bad decision and want you "to grow up" and be an adult. Misery loves company. I feel like I once again fell for the grass is always greener, I went to the other side, it was greener for a moment but the cog that is "they" pulled the grass out from under me and left me sinking in the mud and muck of it all. I don't want to be happy to be a productive member of our spending and earning society who at the end of it all realize how much they missed out. I want to make a difference if just in one life for one moment. I want to be what my younger self would be proud to see. The me that is me.

I would love to get your thoughts. Are you in the same situation, opposite, please share.


My cool cousin does this all the time, I signed up for this blog like two years ago and have done nothing with it. I intend to start using it now posting comments and pictures as I see fit. I hope you will drop by my site often and comment...I think this is yet another cool way to keep in touch! Hope to hear from you soon.

Jim Cramer

Opening day for the rangers, I am showing my support for Philly...just another day at the office

this is a picture from a recent concert of Band of was so fun

trying to look like a million bucks but coming up short